22 Jul 2020
ご無沙汰しております!D1のウェイリンです。最近は雨や蒸し暑い日が続いていますが、皆さんは元気に過ごされていますか? 春学期のラスト1か月のZoom研究会ですが、竹中研の皆さんは相変わらずダッシュで論文を読み込んでいます。
Davies, K., Armitage, C. J., Lin, Y. L., Munro, J., Walsh, T., & Callery, P. (2018). Development of an implementation intention-based intervention to change childrenʼs and parent-carersʼ behaviour. Pilot and feasibility studies, 4(1), 20.
Rooney, L., John, M., & Morison, L. (2020). Communication strategies used by women to influence male partners to seek professional help for mental health problems: A qualitative study. Clinical Psychologist, 24(1), 55-63.
Caris-Verhallen, W. M., Kerkstra, A., Bensing, J. M., & Grypdonck, M. H. (2000). Effects of video interaction analysis training on nurse–patient communication in the care of the elderly. Patient Education and Counseling, 39(1), 91-103.
Ivanova, E., Yaakoba-Zohar, N., Jensen, D., Cassoff, J., & Knäuper, B. (2016). Acceptance and commitment therapy and implementation intentions increase exercise enjoyment and long-term exercise behavior among low-active women. Current Psychology, 35(1), 108-114.
Son, K. Y., Lee, C. M., Cho, B., Lym, Y. L., Oh, S. W., Chung, W., Lee, J. S., Park, D., & Kim, H. S. (2012). Effect of additional brief counselling after periodic health examination on motivation for health behavior change [corrected]. Journal of Korean medical science, 27(11), 1285–1291.
Wei Ling(D1):
Kiepe, M. S., Fernholz, I., Schmidt, T., Brinkhaus, B., Schmidt, A., Weikert, C., & Gabriele Rotter, M. D. (2020). Effects of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment on Musicians. Med Probl Perform Art, 35(2), 110-115.
Rozendaal, E. & Figner, B. (2019). Effectiveness of a school-based intervention to empower children to cope with advertising. Journal of Media Psychology. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1027/1864- 1105/a000262
Hussain, S. A., & Alhabash, S. (2020). Effect of nostalgia as a motivational force for depressed students to seek professional psychological help. Journal of American College Health, 1-9.
Woodhead, E. L., Northrop, L., & Edelstein, B. (2016). Stress, social support, and burnout among long-term care nursing staff. Journal of applied gerontology, 35(1), 84-105.
Knäuper, B., McCollam, A., Rosen-Brown, A., Lacaille, J., Kelso, E., & Roseman, M. (2011). Fruitful plans: Adding targeted mental imagery to implementation intentions increases fruit consumption. Psychology and Health, 26(5), 601-617.
Bonn, S. E., Löf, M., Östenson, C. G., & Lagerros, Y. T. (2019). App-technology to improve lifestyle behaviors among working adults-the Health Integrator study, a randomized controlled trial. BMC public health, 19(1), 1-8.
Wei Ling(D1):
Burin, A. B., & Osorio, F. D. L. (2016). Interventions for music performance anxiety: results from a systematic literature review. Archives of Clinical Psychiatry (São Paulo), 43(5), 116-131.