14 Nov 2020
こんにちは!D1の周です。爽やかな11月に入り,小春日和に喜びを感じながら, 紅葉もお見頃です。 皆さんは元気に過ごされていますか?
Reifegerste, D., & Rossmann, C. (2017). Promoting physical activity with group pictures. Affiliation-based visual communication for high-risk populations. Health communication, 32(2), 161-168.
French, K. (2020). How to Write a Great Tagline (According to Science)
How to Write a Great Tagline (According to Science)
D3 渡辺さん
Adriaenssens, J., Hamelink, A., & Van Bogaert, P. (2017). Predictors of occupational stress and well-being in First-Line Nurse Managers: A cross-sectional survey study. International journal of nursing studies, 73, 85-92.
D2 吉田さん
Silva, M., São-João, T. M., Cornelio, M. E., & Mialhe, F. L. (2020). Effect of implementation intention on walking in people with diabetes: an experimental approach. Revista de saude publica, 54, 103. https://doi.org/10.11606/s1518-8787.2020054002024
D1 Weilingさん
Voltmer, E., Zander, M., Fischer, J. E., Kudielka, B. M., Richter, B., & Spahn, C. (2012). Physical and mental health of different types of orchestra musicians compared to other professions. Medical problems of performing artists, 27(1), 9-14.
D1 周
Nielsen, K. D. B., Dyhr, L., Lauritzen, T., & Malterud, K. (2004). “You can’t prevent everything anyway” A qualitative study of beliefs and attitudes about refusing health screening in general practice. Family Practice, 21(1), 28-32.