19 May 2021
みなさん、こんにちは!M1佐藤です。最近はキャンパス内で狸を見つけたり、通学中にある茶畑ののどかな雰囲気に癒されたりしています。今日はWei Lingさんの誕生日でした。おめでとうございます!コロナ禍で食事会などはできませんでしたが、早く研究室の皆さんとご飯を食べに行けるといいなと思っています。今日の研究会は下記の通りです。
竹中先生 Park, J. J., Booth, N., Bagot, K. L., & Rodda, S. N. (2020). A brief internet-delivered intervention for the reduction of gaming-related harm: A feasibility study. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2, 100027.
D3吉田さん Xu, Z., Geng, J., Zhang, S., Zhang, K., Yang, L., Li, J., & Li, J. (2020). A Mobile-Based Intervention for Dietary Behavior and Physical Activity Change in Individuals at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 8(11), e19869.
D2Wei Lingさん Sousa, C. M., Machado, J. P., Greten, H. J., & Coimbra, D. (2016). Occupational diseases of professional orchestra musicians from northern Portugal: a descriptive study. Medical problems of performing artists, 31(1), 8-12.
Ling, C. Y., Loo, F. C., & Hamedon, T. R. (2018). Playing-related musculoskeletal disorders among classical piano students at tertiary institutions in Malaysia: proportion and associated risk factors. Medical problems of performing artists, 33(2), 82-89.
D2周さん Lu, S. H., Dear, B. F., Johnston, L., Wootton, B. M., & Titov, N. (2014). An internet survey of emotional health, treatment seeking and barriers to accessing mental health treatment among Chinese-speaking international students in Australia. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 27(1), 96-108.
M1石川さん Henriksson, P., Sandborg, J., Blomberg, M., Alexandrou, C., Maddison, R., Silfvernagel, K., … & Löf, M. (2019). A smartphone app to promote healthy weight gain, diet, and physical activity during pregnancy (HealthyMoms): protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR research protocols, 8(3), e13011.
M1佐藤 Chan, K. L., Leung, W. C., Tiwari, A., Or, K. L., & Ip, P. (2019). Using smartphone-based psychoeducation to reduce postnatal depression among first-time mothers: Randomized controlled trial. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(5), e12794.