
2021/10/6 研究会

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みなさん,こんにちは。M1佐藤です。 秋らしくなってきました。10月に入り授業も本格的に始まりました。以下,本日の研究会での発表内容です。

竹中先生:Turner, A. P., Hartoonian, N., Hughes, A. J., Arewasikporn, A., Alschuler, K. N., Sloan, A. P., … & Haselkorn, J. K. (2019). Physical activity and depression in MS: The mediating role of behavioral activation. Disability and health journal12(4), 635-640.

D3吉田さん:Verplanken, B., & Melkevik, O. (2008). Predicting habit: The case of physical exercise. Psychology of sport and exercise9(1), 15-26

D2Wei Lingさん:Gembris, H., & Heye, A. (2014). Growing older in a symphony orchestra: The development of the age-related self-concept and the self-estimated performance of professional musicians in a lifespan perspective. Musicae Scientiae18(4), 371-391.

D2周さん:Wei, M., Heppner, P. P., Mallen, M. J., Ku, T.-Y., Liao, K. Y.-H., & Wu, T.-F. (2007). Acculturative Stress, Perfectionism, Years in the United States, and Depression Among Chinese International Students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54(4), 385–394.

M1石川さん:Oteng-Ntim, E., Varma, R., Croker, H., Poston, L., & Doyle, P. (2012). Lifestyle interventions for overweight and obese pregnant women to improve pregnancy outcome: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC medicine10(1), 1-15.

佐藤:Guan, Z., Wang, Y., Hu, X., Chen, J., Qin, C., Tang, S., & Sun, M. (2021). Postpartum depression and family function in Chinese women within 1 year after childbirth: A cross‐sectional study. Research in Nursing & Health.


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