8 Nov 2013

Reinermann, J. L., Lubjuhn, S., Singhal, A., & Bouman, M. (in press) Entertainment-education for sustainable lifestyles: Storytelling for greater greener good. International Journal of Sustainable Development.
Paxman, J. R., Hall, A. C., Harden, C. J., O’Keeffe, J. & Simper, T. N. (2011).
Weight loss is coupled with improvements to affective state in obese participants engaged in behavior change therapy based on incremental, self-selected “Small Change”. Nutrition Research, 31, 327-337.
Wilson et al. (2008). An overview of “The Active by Choice Today” (ACT) trial for increasing physical activity. Contemp Clin Trails, 29(1): 21-31.
Lawman et al. (2011). The relationship between psychosocial correlates and physical activity in underserved adolescent boys and girls in the ACT trial. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 8(2), 253-261.
On Wednesday, I went to this elementary school with 竹中先生 to explain about the research to the principal. I was really surprised that the playground in this elementary school is small and different from others. At the time, I was wondering that how do students play during their free time in a such small space?!
Indeed, everything changed…there’s no space, no time for our children in the current situation.
(文責:D2 Lee)